Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Isuzu D-MAX is here !

Well at last the new Isuzu D-MAX with new engine (CommonRail) is now officially available for Malaysia market. This model have been launched in Thailand a while ago but whatever , Malaysia always late when comes to new models ! The Black color is just so beautiful !

I basically like interior ! This truck just kick-ass when it come to fuel efficiency and engine reliability . Space cabin is not as spacious as other pickup truck such as Triton or the new Hilux.

But there is one more truck that I will one to see in Malaysia is Nissan Navara. As usual it is launched recently in Thailand but I already seen this truck in Australia and Japan. This is my dream pick-up truck . My first choice dream pickup truck is Dodge RAM 1500 and saw it in Japan !

I missed my ISUZU D-MAX so much :( and of course other peoples i used to love very much ...

Tropical Typhoon is coming ...

Oh well, a tropical typhoon is coming towards Tokyo soon. The typhoon now hitting Kyushu Island and will make his grand arrival in Tokyo (ETA 16 July 2007).

I have not experienced a real typhoon before but believing I should be prepare at least for the foods, I stocked up some basic foods such as instant noodle , sausages , chips , fruits and most important WATER !

But what the hell , bring on typhoon , I am waiting for you and thank you for ruining my beautiful weekend ! What can I say more it is natural disaster , no one can avoid or prevent !

*** SIGH ***
More information about Typhoon movement :

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some peoples are confused about nothing ....

I have never came across about this. Think of this sentences "confused about nothing" seem need a big explanation but based on my life policy "Life should be simple" that should not be too hard to digest it .

But i still cannot find an answer or rather an explaination about this "confused about nothing"? Are we confused because there is nothing to confuse or we confused ourselves with nothing to confuse ?

Darn ....