Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Secret

When to watch my first movie since I came back last week from the Land of Rising Sun. I went with my royal highness , of course romantic movie and some more she is a big fan of Jay Chou.
I am not really big fan of Jay Chou but his music really attract me. For me , Jay Chou have being doing a good job as actor but rather somehow i still prefer him as a singer!
Anyway the movie is quite good and i was quite enjoying it. Good scenery , a lot of pretty girls , good music and etc. Shared some similarity with Lake House but who cares ....anyway ....

The Secret

Next movie will be : Bourne Ultimatum !

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good Bye , Japan for now !

I must said it have been an awesome experience for me during my stay in Japan for the past 5 months ! I must admit I was amazed with their culture , social life , fashions , gadgets , foods , scenery, festival and more !
I have been very fortunate to work with really fascinating peoples and they have been so entertaining during my stay in Japan.

My feeling is mixture : sad + happy !
Sad because I really missed those Japanese foods which make me look so goods ! and those great people which I have meet once but having a blasting good time !
Happy because I am going to see my darling soon and of course all those peoples I loved so much !

Japan , just one word : AWESOME !

Back to CyberJaya office ...*****darn****

Arigato and Sayonara for now , Japan !