Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am back to Japan again

I am back to Japan again to finish those UNFINISH business this time ! Arrived @ Narita Airport on 8 October , morning 7:00am++....

Whole flight was quite stressful since I am just began to recover from flu ! Thank to Malaysia weather now which in 1 day can be :- HOT + WET + COLD + WINDY. Whole journey was good , watched Die Hard 4 ...oh boy.... But as usual I cannot sleep well when flying unless I am really tired. I only wished that I have a ultimate long lasting laptop battery but anyway ...

I love Japan so much. It have been ,my child dream to travel to Japan and look I am here ! I am not sure why I like this country so much even tough I have been travel (for work of course) quite a lot to various country. I felt that I have been here before but I just don't know when???? Even Tokyo is a big city but internally there are places where you can walk and relax.

I do not like big cities. I hate living in cities. I hate traffic jams , cars , crowded places and etc. Unless absolutely necessary, I will forced myself travel to town ! I prefer quiet places where I can walk around, surrounded by greenery and old temples or buildings. Japan have many places like that ! Kyoto , Kamakura , Osaka , Nikko , Nara and more..more ..more !!!

I was so happy this time the Immigration decided not to open my luggages :P Weather is wet when I arrived and I met up with my 'tailo' from Aulong , Leong-san. Leong-san is the first colleague that I worked in the same project and he is a nice guy !

Took the Airport Limousine as usual, stopped at TCAT and took a taxi straight to the service apartment! Voila convienient and simple ! I wish one day Malaysia , KLIA will have this kind of services even tough someone will say "We already have that!" but man ....come here and see how things worked !

Here is how my apartment look like , small but comfortable ! :) I am not a fussy guy but rather a simple guy. As long it is CLEAN ,TIDY and HYGIENIC, I will be very happy and of course must have very FAST Internet connection. That all I need !

I began to miss both my wife and little princess so much but daddy have to work but daddy will be back soon ! Daddy luv both of you ya !! Wait for daddy :P

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