Saturday, October 27, 2007

Time Fly

One thing for sure that time passed really fast. What I meant ,even tough we have a watch for example to see what time it is, we sometime did not realized it is already Friday. I thought it is still Wednesday or whatever but definitely not Friday.

Without knowing it, it sucks ! That means I never actually realized what I have been working like a dog and my mind was only focus on one thing ! It have been almost 3 weeks in Japan.

I always tried very hard to live at present not in the past or future. For sure to enjoy or to more understand ourself nowadays is to live in present. I have met with a lot of peoples and observed them but not really truly understand but maybe just a quick assumption based on daily conservation or interaction. Human are so complex in behavior or characters but do we need to understand them truly to enjoy a good conversation. No , I don't so.


But for one thing finding a common thing or topic in a new conversation is a quite a tough job. It is like striking a jackpot if the topic is right but you will end up surrounded by wall if the topic just reduce to one or two answers : Yes or No or worst Yes and No.

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