Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Christmas is jut around the corner. In Japan , I think it is quite a big event judging from the decoration they put in. My usual favorite shopping place in Japan is Lazona in Kawasaki. Access to the mall is extremely easy. It is just near the JR station.

I usually started my journey to the Loft store before I go to the Akachan Honpo.
Loft is just like Tokyu Hands where you can get almost everything from there from stationary, kitchen or bathroom stuffs , cosmetic , watches and etc.

Akachan Honpo is one stop shopping store for parents where you can get almost everything you want to your coming little prince or princess. I usually spend about 30 to 45 minutes looking for baby and mother stuffs. In fact I have bought quite a lot of baby and mother stuffs from various brand such as Pigeon. Pigeon brand is quite popular in Japan.

After that I will move on to Graniph store. This is one of the shop I really enjoy very much. They sell mostly t-shirts , awesome t-shirts ! I just love this shop !

Maybe sometime I will dropped by the Gap shop or the Asbee shoe shop.

And of course , I cannot miss the Bic Camera. The shop have several floors where each floor display and sell different items. My favorite floors are the gaming floor where you can find Sony PS3/PSP , Nintendo , X-Box and etc. You can also find all the toy models in the same floor such as Tamiya. Awesome !!!! I can spend 1 or 2 hours here even not buying anything at all !

Then I proceed to the basement where you can find the usual suspects such as groceries shop and Japan famous outlet shops such as UNIQLO and Muji.
UNIQLO is similar to Gap in America and Muji is another store similar to UNIQLO. I like the UNIQLO in summer time where they sell a lot of t-shirts ! These t-shirts are actually from the competition UNIQLO held every year ( I think). And UNIQLO recently just opened an outlet near Harajuku. I love to patron this shop because it sell a lot of terrific t-shirts. And UNIQLO held a t-shirts contest design yearly (I think) and here are the 200 winners for year 2008.

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