Monday, December 17, 2007

I missed this so much ...

The daily morning drink. It keep me extra energy boost !
Chai-latte -> Tall size -> Hot-to -> Take out !
That is my order line !

There are a lot of coffee shops around the Ericsson office at Shin Yokohama. Coffee shops like StarBucks or Tully Coffee are easily accessible. In Malaysia , most StarBucks are available at big shopping malls and some others specific locations. But the shitty things , I have to drive, pay the toll and jam and struggling to find a parking place or spot. In my country , you can built a bank branch just by the busy roadside. Impressive right !
Prices are not much differences between here and Malaysia. But in Malaysia , I can have the local Malaysia coffee drink like the white coffee or coffee-mix-tea (cham) from shops like OldTown Coffee.

Back home ....


It have been 2 weeks since I left Japan and still struggling to fit in myself again. Most peoples will say , it is an excuse. You have been leaving here for past 30 years , you bastard ! What the hell you talking about ? Well ...

One thing that really upset me is the weather. It is hot and then rain and become cloudy. It is just like human mood. I never like hot weather and instead I hate it so much ! When it rain , floods definitely the major news. It is like a festival and events every years ! Then next is traffic jams. I just hate it so much!
And now since it is raining season, clothes will not be able to dry for the next fews hours and days and it will have those dampen SMELL like wet dogs ! Arghhh...

I have really hard time to eat the Malaysian food nowdays. I used to love it so much but not now. Not in future.My taste changed. It is so salty ! I need to start to learn Japanese cooking as soon as possible.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Autuum Beauty

Yellow leaves , one of my favorite !

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Christmas is jut around the corner. In Japan , I think it is quite a big event judging from the decoration they put in. My usual favorite shopping place in Japan is Lazona in Kawasaki. Access to the mall is extremely easy. It is just near the JR station.

I usually started my journey to the Loft store before I go to the Akachan Honpo.
Loft is just like Tokyu Hands where you can get almost everything from there from stationary, kitchen or bathroom stuffs , cosmetic , watches and etc.

Akachan Honpo is one stop shopping store for parents where you can get almost everything you want to your coming little prince or princess. I usually spend about 30 to 45 minutes looking for baby and mother stuffs. In fact I have bought quite a lot of baby and mother stuffs from various brand such as Pigeon. Pigeon brand is quite popular in Japan.

After that I will move on to Graniph store. This is one of the shop I really enjoy very much. They sell mostly t-shirts , awesome t-shirts ! I just love this shop !

Maybe sometime I will dropped by the Gap shop or the Asbee shoe shop.

And of course , I cannot miss the Bic Camera. The shop have several floors where each floor display and sell different items. My favorite floors are the gaming floor where you can find Sony PS3/PSP , Nintendo , X-Box and etc. You can also find all the toy models in the same floor such as Tamiya. Awesome !!!! I can spend 1 or 2 hours here even not buying anything at all !

Then I proceed to the basement where you can find the usual suspects such as groceries shop and Japan famous outlet shops such as UNIQLO and Muji.
UNIQLO is similar to Gap in America and Muji is another store similar to UNIQLO. I like the UNIQLO in summer time where they sell a lot of t-shirts ! These t-shirts are actually from the competition UNIQLO held every year ( I think). And UNIQLO recently just opened an outlet near Harajuku. I love to patron this shop because it sell a lot of terrific t-shirts. And UNIQLO held a t-shirts contest design yearly (I think) and here are the 200 winners for year 2008.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Time Fly

One thing for sure that time passed really fast. What I meant ,even tough we have a watch for example to see what time it is, we sometime did not realized it is already Friday. I thought it is still Wednesday or whatever but definitely not Friday.

Without knowing it, it sucks ! That means I never actually realized what I have been working like a dog and my mind was only focus on one thing ! It have been almost 3 weeks in Japan.

I always tried very hard to live at present not in the past or future. For sure to enjoy or to more understand ourself nowadays is to live in present. I have met with a lot of peoples and observed them but not really truly understand but maybe just a quick assumption based on daily conservation or interaction. Human are so complex in behavior or characters but do we need to understand them truly to enjoy a good conversation. No , I don't so.


But for one thing finding a common thing or topic in a new conversation is a quite a tough job. It is like striking a jackpot if the topic is right but you will end up surrounded by wall if the topic just reduce to one or two answers : Yes or No or worst Yes and No.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dead tired....

Taking a break and having a fresh tea drink ! Stay away from data center for a while. And sit and sipped the tea while enjoying the view outside. Oh boy, my eye feel relax a bit.

Have been very busy this week ! Need to make sure that roll out activity this time will succeed and I do not want to roll back. This time will be the final roll out. Enough. Everyone is tired.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am back to Japan again

I am back to Japan again to finish those UNFINISH business this time ! Arrived @ Narita Airport on 8 October , morning 7:00am++....

Whole flight was quite stressful since I am just began to recover from flu ! Thank to Malaysia weather now which in 1 day can be :- HOT + WET + COLD + WINDY. Whole journey was good , watched Die Hard 4 ...oh boy.... But as usual I cannot sleep well when flying unless I am really tired. I only wished that I have a ultimate long lasting laptop battery but anyway ...

I love Japan so much. It have been ,my child dream to travel to Japan and look I am here ! I am not sure why I like this country so much even tough I have been travel (for work of course) quite a lot to various country. I felt that I have been here before but I just don't know when???? Even Tokyo is a big city but internally there are places where you can walk and relax.

I do not like big cities. I hate living in cities. I hate traffic jams , cars , crowded places and etc. Unless absolutely necessary, I will forced myself travel to town ! I prefer quiet places where I can walk around, surrounded by greenery and old temples or buildings. Japan have many places like that ! Kyoto , Kamakura , Osaka , Nikko , Nara and more..more ..more !!!

I was so happy this time the Immigration decided not to open my luggages :P Weather is wet when I arrived and I met up with my 'tailo' from Aulong , Leong-san. Leong-san is the first colleague that I worked in the same project and he is a nice guy !

Took the Airport Limousine as usual, stopped at TCAT and took a taxi straight to the service apartment! Voila convienient and simple ! I wish one day Malaysia , KLIA will have this kind of services even tough someone will say "We already have that!" but man ....come here and see how things worked !

Here is how my apartment look like , small but comfortable ! :) I am not a fussy guy but rather a simple guy. As long it is CLEAN ,TIDY and HYGIENIC, I will be very happy and of course must have very FAST Internet connection. That all I need !

I began to miss both my wife and little princess so much but daddy have to work but daddy will be back soon ! Daddy luv both of you ya !! Wait for daddy :P

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sony Ericsson P1i

Finally my wait is over now ! As 10 Sept 2007 , I ordered and got my new mobile phone : Sony Ericsson P1i. This is my first 3G smartphone as my previous Sony Ericsson P910i did not last that long ! So far I am quite impressed with the software and design is slick and smaller than Sony Ericsson P990i ! And guess what , it have WIFI capability , 1GB of M2 memory stick and 3.2 Megapixel camera !

My next plan is to try to write some Java application on this new mobile phone !

Sony Ericsson P1i

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Secret

When to watch my first movie since I came back last week from the Land of Rising Sun. I went with my royal highness , of course romantic movie and some more she is a big fan of Jay Chou.
I am not really big fan of Jay Chou but his music really attract me. For me , Jay Chou have being doing a good job as actor but rather somehow i still prefer him as a singer!
Anyway the movie is quite good and i was quite enjoying it. Good scenery , a lot of pretty girls , good music and etc. Shared some similarity with Lake House but who cares ....anyway ....

The Secret

Next movie will be : Bourne Ultimatum !

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good Bye , Japan for now !

I must said it have been an awesome experience for me during my stay in Japan for the past 5 months ! I must admit I was amazed with their culture , social life , fashions , gadgets , foods , scenery, festival and more !
I have been very fortunate to work with really fascinating peoples and they have been so entertaining during my stay in Japan.

My feeling is mixture : sad + happy !
Sad because I really missed those Japanese foods which make me look so goods ! and those great people which I have meet once but having a blasting good time !
Happy because I am going to see my darling soon and of course all those peoples I loved so much !

Japan , just one word : AWESOME !

Back to CyberJaya office ...*****darn****

Arigato and Sayonara for now , Japan !

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Isuzu D-MAX is here !

Well at last the new Isuzu D-MAX with new engine (CommonRail) is now officially available for Malaysia market. This model have been launched in Thailand a while ago but whatever , Malaysia always late when comes to new models ! The Black color is just so beautiful !

I basically like interior ! This truck just kick-ass when it come to fuel efficiency and engine reliability . Space cabin is not as spacious as other pickup truck such as Triton or the new Hilux.

But there is one more truck that I will one to see in Malaysia is Nissan Navara. As usual it is launched recently in Thailand but I already seen this truck in Australia and Japan. This is my dream pick-up truck . My first choice dream pickup truck is Dodge RAM 1500 and saw it in Japan !

I missed my ISUZU D-MAX so much :( and of course other peoples i used to love very much ...

Tropical Typhoon is coming ...

Oh well, a tropical typhoon is coming towards Tokyo soon. The typhoon now hitting Kyushu Island and will make his grand arrival in Tokyo (ETA 16 July 2007).

I have not experienced a real typhoon before but believing I should be prepare at least for the foods, I stocked up some basic foods such as instant noodle , sausages , chips , fruits and most important WATER !

But what the hell , bring on typhoon , I am waiting for you and thank you for ruining my beautiful weekend ! What can I say more it is natural disaster , no one can avoid or prevent !

*** SIGH ***
More information about Typhoon movement :

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some peoples are confused about nothing ....

I have never came across about this. Think of this sentences "confused about nothing" seem need a big explanation but based on my life policy "Life should be simple" that should not be too hard to digest it .

But i still cannot find an answer or rather an explaination about this "confused about nothing"? Are we confused because there is nothing to confuse or we confused ourselves with nothing to confuse ?

Darn ....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The best sushi I had ever eaten !

Good weather today for Tokyo

Today weather is good ! Sunshine ! I should be working !

Not too hot and windy . Damn, I just love Japan so much :)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Frustrating days....


More and more problems popping out after the first cut-over to production environment this week !

I really hope these problem solved as soon as possible and I DON'T WANT TO ROLLBACK !!!

Latest Update :

Now really have to rollback ...craps !

Look mum , I can take photo ...

One thing my wife always complains about me is I don't have talent of a photographer ...but I must admit that ...

I am pretty dumb when come to take photograph. For me I don't give a damn about angle,lighting and etc. Just make sure the picture got head and tail , I am happy idiot !

But check this out , do you believe i took this picture !

By the way this picture was taken at Yamashita Park near Yokohama. Awesome park with a lot of tulips flowers ....many freaky colors too...

I hate these peoples !

One of things I hate so much in my life is :

I cannot stand peoples who talked non-stop and worse ... talking C*CK !

But i meet these kind of peoples occasionally*t...but i still managed to keep myself intact until today !

Rules of Thumb : I just keep my mouth shut ...

Old Water pump

Here is a interesting old water pump near Kita-Ikebukoro when walking back from lunch !

Yeah. it is still in working condition !

Pricy Watermelon

This is how much a watermelon costs in Japan = 2580 Yen ! Not sure how much is the weight !
But this definitely very expensive for a watermelon for me at least !

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It is hot in Japan !

Japan is getting hotter everyday but not as hot compare to my country !
Seem need to stock up my t-shirts !

Till later !

Monday, April 9, 2007


Well, this is my 3rd week in Japan and so far I really like this country except the language barrier.

It is so easy to get around the area especially the town area. It is all well connected by trains ! All you need is a proper map !

Went to see the cherry blossom with my beloved wife at Ueno park , not far from Tokyo and the atmosphere is amazing. Sitting under the cherry trees , with some beers and foods ...what else can i said !